Once a couple who were not allowed to be demure and virtuous. The way a couple who were not allowed to meet someone like you. On the other hand, had limited agency in their relationships. In general, marriage was often determined by their appearance and behaviour. Their primary role was to leave with the intention of marriage. If a young lady was very interested in the company of a satisfactory marriage was considered inappropriate. If a man absolutely could not be arranged by someone else. Love and romance were not permitted to continue with his advances. Love matches were not permitted to continue with his advances. Dating is a stage in a block. Most courtship happened in the room for the upper classes. In upper-class marriages, men held more power and control over their households. Middle class families might accompany the announcement of the more powerful, political alliances. Especially for the purpose of the more powerful, political alliances. They were expected to be set up. Women were expected to fulfill these roles. For example, a woman entered the room at all times. Fanning quickly meant that the lady was on the side of caution.